Letter from the Editors

September 23, 2024

Dear Readers, 

The Phoenix is thrilled to be back on campus, bringing you the stories that matter most to the Sarah Lawrence community. Since its inception in 1930, The Phoenix has served as a cornerstone of campus life and the official news source of the college. While the COVID-19 pandemic temporarily diminished our role, last year “The Phoenix rose from the ashes” – with the first print issue in years and a series of successful events. This year, we’re building on that momentum with more print issues, social events, reporting/writing workshops and guest speakers. 

We recognize that over the past year, free speech on college campuses and beyond has been under attack. As a student newspaper, we believe that journalism is one of the pillars of democracy. That’s why we’re committed to writing the stories that you, the Sarah Lawrence community, deserve to see, even if they invite pushback from administrators. You have the right to be informed about the decisions that directly impact your experience at this college. 

The Phoenix is a nonpartisan news organization committed to covering the news as impartially and objectively as possible. We are not here to amplify a single point of view. However, we do have an opinion section, providing a platform for students to express a focused viewpoint. The opinions expressed in those pieces do not represent the beliefs of The Phoenix or its editorial board. If you feel a particular perspective is missing from our paper, please reach out to us. We welcome opinions submissions and any constructive critiques on our coverage. That said, we will not publish content that discriminates or spreads hate. Our commitment to objectivity does not extend to condoning hate speech. 

We value your feedback. Feel free to reach out by emailing phoenix@gm.slc.edu or by filling out this form. If you want to join The Phoenix community, we would love to have you. We are always on the lookout for new staff writers and freelance writers. Check out our Instagram page @slcphoenix for updates on meetings and new articles. 

We are deeply grateful to be your Co-Editors-in-Chief this year, and we will do our best to honor and uplift the Sarah Lawrence community. Thank you for your support and we are so excited for you all to see what The Phoenix does this year!

With Love, 

Tina Nouri-Mahdavi ‘25, Tallulah Hawley ‘25 and Isabel Lewis ‘25 

The Phoenix Co-Editors in Chief

SLC PhoenixComment