Meet the 2024-25 Phoenix Editors

The Phoenix is thrilled to introduce its editors for the 2024-2025 year. To see more about our editors and staff this year, check out our story highlights on our Instagram page @slcphoenix. 

Tallulah Hawley: Co-Editor in Chief

This is Tallulah Hawley's second year as Editor-in-Chief for the SLC Phoenix. Last year, she worked as the Deputy Profile Editor at the Oxford Student, but she is so excited to be back in NY! She is from St. Louis, Missouri (midwest forever), and studies psychology and anthropology at SLC. She can't wait to get started with the Phoenix for the upcoming year, but is also so thrilled to finally be a senior. In her spare time, Tallulah loves to journal, collage, and listen to music.

Isabel Lewis: Co-Editor in Chief

Isabel Lewis is a senior from North Carolina studying investigative journalism at Sarah Lawrence. She loves reporting and the thrill of uncovering great stories, with her work featured in North Carolina Health News and WUNC. When she’s not immersed in reporting on a story, Isabel loves exploring New York City, especially its record stores, bookstores, and coffee shops. 

Tina Nouri-Mahdavi: Co-Editor in Chief

Tina is a (graduating) third-year from the San Fernando Valley. This is her second year as an editor at the Phoenix but she is ecstatic to be leading it this year with her fellow Editor-in-Chiefs! She is studying creative writing and literature, and though she adores the Phoenix/journalism, fiction is her main passion. If she is not hunched over her desk (rare), you can find her going to museums, cooking, traveling, taking film photos, or spending too much money on clothing and things she deems ‘kitsch.’ 

Javi Vela: Managing Editor

This is Javi’s second year with the Phoenix and his sixth in journalism. He is a senior focusing on psychology and childhood development. He is thrilled to be named co-managing editor this year, having spent last year as the sports editor. Javi was born and raised in Austin TX, and loves to bore you by talking about soccer.

Riddhi Kuthiala: Managing Editor

Riddhi is a senior from New Delhi, India studying nonfiction creative writing & media studies. She is passionate about (among other things) Joan Didion, Beyoncé, spring in New York, and her dogs. Her favorite short story is Lihaaf by Ismat Chughtai.

Mauli Chopra: Sports Editor

This is Mauli’s second year with the Phoenix and first year as co-editor for the Sports section. Last year, she was a staff writer. She studies Environmental Science, Economics, and writing at SLC. When touring SLC as a senior in high school, she recalls seeing a poster about The Phoenix and telling her father that she’s going to join it someday soon. Aside from writing and editing for her favorite school magazine, she’s part of the Cross Country team, SASA, and ‘27 class president.

Fiona Edmonds: Sports Editor

Fiona Edmonds is a sophomore and co-editor of the sports section at the Phoenix. She has been interested in journalism ever since discovering who Richard Nixon was in 8th grade, and is now waiting for someone to mail her a pile of mysterious FBI files just like Betty Metzger... Though she is extremely dedicated to her work for the sports staff, she can also be found writing about politics, economics, and theater (her other scholarly interests). Go Gryphs!

Havana Garrett: Opinions Editor

Havana is a senior concentrating in screenwriting, currently serving as the opinions editor for her third year on the staff of "The Phoenix,” after two years as news editor. Havana was previously the editor-in-chief of "The Boise Highlights," the oldest running newspaper in Idaho. Passionate about film, she recently returned from two semesters at Prague Film School. Outside of journalism, Havana enjoys slam poetry, film photography, and has attended four Phoebe Bridgers concerts, which many would consider to be too many. She’s looking forward to her last year of school and can’t wait to read everybody’s articles.

Noa Lindau Avery: Features Editor

Noa Lindau Avery, originally from Brooklyn, New York and East Tennessee, is now a sophomore at Sarah Lawrence College who is beyond excited to be a part of The Phoenix’s team. She is an enthusiastic student of journalism and of the Russian language. She is also the vice president of Democracy Matters SLC branch. She is employed at the Esther Raushenbush Library at the college. She loves history of all kinds, but most recently she has been interested in the Late Bronze Age collapse. She also loves to read and write poetry, to go to poetry festivals with her friends, and to sing. Most recently, she read Leonard Cohen’s “Book of Longing.”

Willa Dana: News Editor

Willa Dana is a junior from Putney, Vermont. She studies journalism and film production, with a particular interest in documentary work. Willa also studies French, and is hoping to further her academic experience by going abroad during her time in college. She originally joined the Phoenix as a staff writer in 2023 and is excited to join the editorial team for this school year! Alongside Willa’s role at the Phoenix, she works part time as a script reader for independent film production companies.

Caroline Cubbin: News Editor

Caroline Cubbin is a senior from the western suburbs of Chicago, Illinois. This is her second year as a news editor, and she can’t wait to begin another exciting year working with the Phoenix. Caroline is studying writing, with a focus on nonfiction and journalism, but is also passionate about literature and art history. When she’s not reading or writing, you can find her cooking, flipping through fashion magazines, entertaining her mischievous cat, taking silly mirror selfies, or organizing her collection of CDs and records.

Chloe Tomasso: Arts and Culture Editor

Chloe is a senior from Middletown, CT who has been working on The Phoenix since last year. Being on The Phoenix is one of the highlights of her tenure at SLC thus far, and she is incredibly grateful for the campus-wide support of reviving print news. Outside of The Phoenix, Chloe studies writing and social sciences and plans on becoming a recreational therapist post-grad. During her (sort of) free time, she works at a retirement community in her hometown, collects fashion dolls (healing inner child things), and is an avid pop culture connoisseur. She is super excited for the upcoming school year and can't wait to see what the Phoenix team will accomplish. 

Angelina Halle: Ashtray Editor

Angelina is starting her second year as editor of The Ashtray. She is excited to be back in New York for a new school year. Angelina is from Annapolis, Maryland (yay crabs), and loves working on this entertaining section of The Phoenix. While she loves journalism and editing, she is studying creative writing and philosophy, currently focusing on poetry! Angelina also enjoys listening to her favorite music artists such as The Neighbourhood, reading horror books, and drawing!

Zoe Cushing: Copy Editor

Zoe Cushing is this year’s Phoenix's copy editor! She’s a senior this year, and her studies focus primarily on Russian language and Politics. Her hometown is in Indiana (she’s a Hoosier), but she’s been slowly figuring out how to become a true New Yorker these past few years (it’s hopeless). In her free time she likes to read, as well as write unfinished short stories. She really enjoys watching films, but Scorcese movies make her antsy and RomComs are a guilty pleasure. 

Kat Rutschilling: Social Media Editor

Kat Rutschilling is a senior from Alabama studying creative writing and literature and working as an intern in publishing, which she hopes to pursue after graduation. In her spare time, she runs an Instagram account that combines her love of books and collage, and watches Youtube videos of single women renovating cottages. Kat is also an RA, the co-chair for SLC’s new Journaling Club, and a Campus Center Assistant at BWCC, so you'll likely see her around. She is thrilled to be serving as The Phoenix's Social Media Editor this year!

Elise Hendricks: Web Editor

Elise is so excited to be the Web Editor for The Phoenix at Sarah Lawrence for the 2024-2025 school year. Elise is from North Georgia and is a first-year student at Sarah Lawrence College. She loves to write for screen, stage, paper, and so much more. She loves acting, writing, music, Saturday Night Live, movies, etc. Elise wants to thank the entire team of The Phoenix for their support, encouragement, and opportunity as she approaches this new chapter in her life!

Dariya: Audio Editor

Dariya is the Audio Editor of the Phoenix. She is an avid fan of the Yankees, equine therapy (in concept, not in practice for the foreseeable future), and Dial Antibacterial Soap in bar form. Dariya usually studies writing, literature and visual arts but this year she is studying whatever is left over because she got bumped twice as a senior. It’s gonna be a great year for the Phoenix. 

Chloe Hoppough: Visuals Editor

Chloe J. Hoppough is a senior and the visuals editor for The Phoenix! Fun facts about her are: she was born and raised in Fairbanks, Alaska (No, it’s not always cold in Alaska, and yes, it gets to -50 degrees.); she is an Asian American; she is studying Dance and Photography (she’s been a photographer for 3ish years); her favorite activities in Alaska are wild blueberry picking, side-by-side riding, fishing, hiking, and boat riding; she loves antique shopping, especially when the stores look like an old couple’s house (then you step in and it smells like your grandma’s house); her special power is that she can thrift really good party tanks (not the ones that look like they came from Shein) and jeans. She is so excited to be a part of the team! You’ll probably see her around campus with 3 different cameras. 

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