ICYMI: rapper Le1f performs in the Blue Room Events, CampusSLC PhoenixApril 6, 2014le1f, blue roomComment
Forty-five years after the Westlands Sit-in News, Campus, EventsSLC PhoenixApril 6, 2014westlands, tuition, financial aidComment
SLC's Chamber Music Improv Ensemble plays unique show at Hudson River Museum Planetarium SLC PhoenixApril 3, 2014Comment
ICYMI: The library makes unexpected changes over winter break Library, CampusSLC PhoenixApril 1, 2014library, changes, winter breakComment
PHOTOSTORY: Interdisciplinary show highlights independently crafted artwork SLC PhoenixMarch 13, 2014Comment
Bookstore rethinks policies under fire from frustrated students NewsSLC PhoenixMarch 7, 2014bookstore, campusComment
PlayGround's Venus in Furs reimagines Sacher-Mosoch's novella PerformanceSLC PhoenixMarch 7, 2014venus in furs, theater, AUTHORsiennaaczonComment
Club Update: Workers' Justice reminds us to appreciate employees SLC PhoenixMarch 7, 2014workers justice, campus, AUTHORjakerickmanComment
Pub offers new coffee punch card reward system FoodSLC PhoenixMarch 7, 2014coffee, avi, pub, foodComment
C.A.T.S. presents new, morbid art show in the A*Space SLC PhoenixMarch 6, 2014AUTHORcolleenoconnorComment
SLAC hosts Beyoncé themed dance to unprecedented turn out Music, EventsSLC PhoenixMarch 3, 2014beyonce, music, blue room, partyComment
Form and Color class curates painting exhibition in the atrium ArtSLC PhoenixFebruary 28, 2014art, painting, show, AUTHORkatrinadewharpleComment
Figure drawing club holds DIY portrait-drawing session Performance, ArtSLC PhoenixFebruary 28, 2014art, show, painting, music, AUTHORelliebrumbaumComment
Open Mic Night is a must-attend Sarah Lawrence tradition Music, PerformanceSLC PhoenixFebruary 28, 2014open mic, music, poetry, campus, AUTHORjustinbeckerComment
Student Artist: Jasper Soloff '17 uses shadow to capture movement Art, PhotographySLC PhoenixFebruary 27, 2014photography, photo, art, student, campus, jasper soloff, AUTHORsashahelinskiComment