Get involved this year with one of SLC's student-run organizations
Photo Credits: Mayra Hidalgo Salazar '14 and Manuela Barreneche '14 at the United We Dream Congress in Phoenix, Arizona last year, which four Sarah Lawrence for Immigration Advocacy members attended. The photo was taken by Emily Ptak-Pressman.
In the frenzy of finding out roommate assignments and first-year studies placements and anxiously awaiting orientation week events, course registration and dorm life, it is easy to forget that the process of building a fulfilling and enriching college experience does not end outside the seminar room or residence hall. At Sarah Lawrence, the learning process can take many forms, and there are many ways in which students can get involved and make their mark on the college community.
Students at SLC can choose from a wide range of ways to get involved in student activities, including becoming a part of the Student Senate or the Sarah Lawrence Activities Council (SLAC), managing student spaces, joining college committees, or, most commonly, joining clubs and student organizations.
SLC has over 90 student organizations, each with their own purpose, mission and set of goals. Some are focused more on activism, while others more on the arts, with most built on unique combinations of various different topics. Organizations such as the Feminist Collective, the Queer Voice Coalition (QVC), Students Against Sexual Violence, Trans Action, SLC Workers Justice, and Sarah Lawrence for Immigration Advocacy, are social justice-oriented, and aim to provide safe spaces for support, discussion, education and advocacy. Many of these organizations take part in rallies, attend conferences, and organize campus-wide events.
“The main mission of SLC for Immigration Advocacy is to work with members of the SLC community and Yonkers and NYC communities to organize around immigrant justice,” said members Carolyn Martinez-Class ‘17 and Leyana Dessauer ‘17. “During the ‘13-’14 school year we met with SLC administrators, who agreed to incorporate inclusive language in the school’s website, stating that SLC welcomes all students regardless of their citizenship status, and will try to meet accepted student’s financial needs. This means that Sarah Lawrence joins the growing group of colleges that publicly welcome undocumented students.” Martinez-Class, who is the elected chair of the organization, added, “Sarah Lawrence for Immigration Advocacy has taught me about the power of the collective. Throughout the 2013-2014 school year, so many things were accomplished by pooling our individual strengths together.”
Sarah Lawrence is also home to various identity groups and cultural/faith-based clubs. Harambee is an organization for Black students and their allies at SLC to discuss issues surrounding Black identities and culture at weekly meetings and promote dialogue throughout the college campus. UNIDAD is a similar organization that provides a safe space for the Latino/a community at SLC. Faith-based groups such as the Sarah Lawrence Christian Union (SLCU) and Hillel@SLC, and cultural clubs such as the Italian Club, the Japanese Culture Club, and the Chinese Table, are also open to interested students.
Student publications on campus cater to various different interests, and publish a wide scope of student work, ranging from journalism to literary pieces to visual art. The Sarah Lawrence Literary Review is an annual literary publication at SLC that accepts submissions of fiction, non-fiction, poetry and visual art. Gina Iaquinta ’15 and Lucy Dunphy Barsness ’17, who will be Co-Editors-in-Chief of the Review during the upcoming school year, said, “Our goals [for the new year] can be summarized by the descriptor, ‘more.’ Ultimately, we want to accomplish more of everything: more events and readings, more advertisement and visibility, more student involvement, etc.” Other student publications include Dark Phases, which is an annual literary journal that publishes poetry, prose and visual work by students, faculty, and staff of color, The SLC Visual Art Review, The SLC Annual, which is the yearbook, and, of course, The Phoenix.
Other organizations and clubs on campus include everything from the Spoken Word Collective, which holds weekly open mics for student poets to perform and listen to other students’ work, to The Melancholy Players, which is a non-departmental theatre company on campus. Other clubs such as Enviro-Earth, an organization in which students teach lessons and assist with programs that are part of an environmental/garden-based education club for children and teens in Yonkers, go beyond the SLC campus and work with the larger community.
Despite the diverse selection of student organizations to join, if you have an idea for an organization that does not already exist, starting one is very simple. All you need to do is get together with one other person, fill out the Student Organization Registration Form, and submit it to the Office of Student Affairs, after which Student Senate will contact you about coming to a meeting to approve the organization.
As for joining clubs that are already registered student organizations, an annual Club Fair is held during orientation week where you can get more information, so remember to attend! Looking back on her experiences as an Enviro-Earth club member during the past school year, Sofia Seidel ’17 said, “I would recommend this club or any other volunteer group to any first-year who is feeling too involved in their own work. It’s important to be part of larger work as well.” This sentiment can hold true for any type of student group, and when you look through the student organization list this Fall, remember to try to expand your horizons. Along with joining clubs focused on topics that you have knowledge about, try to step out of your comfort zone a little and join something that you are unfamiliar with. You never know what you might end up being interested in!
This year’s club fair will take place on September 6th from 4:30-6:00PM on the North Lawn. Come check out The Phoenix’s table!
by Janaki Chadha '17
News Editor
Check out all of SLC's awesome Student Organizations! Full List from 2013-2014 school year (taken from
The 24 hour Shakespeare Marathon
Mission: Each semester they aim to lead students in performing as many Shakespeare plays as possible in 24 hours, culminating in Hamlet
Alternate Shades
Mission: Welcome to Alternate Shades! We are driven to create fun, insightful events on and off campus. We plan to bridge campus life with that of New York City & all it offers. If you're into social justice, culture, art, & a deep intellectual vibe you want to be involved with Alternate Shades. Our shared & created experiences meet culturally aware & diverse ones!
Alternative Spring Break
Email: N/A
Mission: Each year a group of SLC students fundraise in order to spend a week of their spring break doing a community service project.
American Chemical Society Student Chapter
Mission: The Sarah Lawrence student chapter of the American Chemical Society aims to spark an interest in chemistry at SLC and within the Yonkers community at large. Through a variety of educational events and service projects (particularly those that promote green chemistry) for the campus, K-12, and general communities, we hope to shed light on the vital role chemistry plays in our everyday lives and in the longevity of our environment. Additionally, we wish to provide professional development opportunities to prepare and encourage those students considering a career in chemistry or related fields.
American Sign Language Club
Mission: American Sign Language club strives to learn and practice communication through American Sign Language. ASL is not offered through Sarah Lawrence's curricular classes, and the ASL club feels that it is still extremely important to have on campus. We hope to expand our ability to communicate with the deaf population, which is an important part of this world.
The Annual Rocky Horror Picture Show Production
Mission: The Annual Rocky Horror Picture Show Production aims to put on a fun and sexy shadow-cast production of the cult classic film "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" the weekend of Halloween, guaranteed to thrill you, chill you, and fulfill you. Rocky is an amazing experience, a wild adventure in fishnets, lip-synching, cross-dressing, and body-positive silliness. Everyone is welcome to audition and no acting or dancing experience is required whatsoever!
Body Art
Mission: Body Art is a student collective that promotes self-love and self-worth for one's body
Email: N/A
Mission: Bookworms is a club that provides a safe space for students to come to and enjoy the pleasure of reading. We encourage members bring in non-academic reading material and enjoy an hour of unwinding, relaxing, and tea-drinking fun.
Mission: Brainwashed is a group of individuals who are passionate about both the psychology and biology of the brain. We will approach the exploration of the brain based on our interests, learning about the diverse effects of all activities from dance to psychiatry while focusing on everything from ethical issues to philosophical issues. This is a space in which we can learn about the brain by reviewing groundbreaking research through dialogue and interactive activities. A major goal of this group is to provide a platform in which individuals can pursue initiatives in an interdisciplinary context to spread our knowledge of the brain to the rest of the community in ways that will improve how we see and interact with the world.
Burlesque Fitness Club
Mission: Burlesque fitness's mission is to be a space for body positivity, both physical and mental, through which members explore the art of burlesque. Group leaders help foster a safe space for exploration within the art of burlesque, allowing members to create burlesque characters and numbers. The group will also address important issues surrounding body positivity and conduct check ins with the group to see if there are any issues. Burlesque Fitness would like to encourage a more open dialogue about burlesque in the Sarah Lawrence community, and the benefits of a body positive community.
Café Latino
Mission: Bienvenidos! Café Latino is an organization of Hispanic students who seek to promote the Spanish language and Hispanic culture. We are primarily a safe space for students who would like to dialogue about their experiences as bilingual, bi-cultural human beings in a world that operates on defnited labels. However, we also strive to connect and engage with the Sarah Lawrence Community, opening our space to college faculty and staff, non-native speakers, and any member of the SLC population with an interest in our language and diverse latino cultures. Through campus-wide events and discussions we hope to promote awareness, knowledge and understanding, firm in our belief that a deeper connection between our ethnic community and the diverse SLC community as a whole will result in cultural enrichment on both sides.
The Capoeira Collective
Mission: The Capoeira Collective aims to provide quality and accessible Capoeira programming (classes, rodas, workshops, field trips, lectures and film screenings) to the Sarah Lawrence Community. We work to use the philosophy and practice of Capoeira to promote community and generate discussion around issues of social justice and community concern. We work to provide opportunities for community members to grow and build with each other through the study of Capoeira. The Capoeira Collective works collaboratively with FICA New York, the Brooklyn-based non-profit study group of the International Capoeira Angola Foundation.
Chinese Table
Mission: Since last year, Chinese Table had become an official student organization, with the fundamental goal of offering the SLC community a chance to get to know both Chinese culture and Chinese language better in a conversational setting. In addition to the weekly meeting at Bates Faculty Dining Hall, events will be launched at occasions such as traditional Chinese festivals, culture events in the city (e.g. film screening, traditional Chinese theater), etc. In addition, Chinese table will give Chinese students an equal chance to experience the genuine American culture.
Sarah Lawrence Christian Union (SLCU)
Mission: Sarah Lawrence Christian Union is an authentic community that is about changing lives as we get to know who God is and aspire to serve the campus. We're not just for Christians, but for anyone to bring honest questions to explore God and faith. We host community engagement events, social outreach programs, and a weekly van to a nondenominational church in NYC.
Mission: We embrace the incomplete. What exactly does that mean? Here we like it short and sweet. The Cliffhanger designates a space for the so-called in-between. This experimental pocket-sized zine is the parenthetical limbo of creativity. Finally there is a home for the underdeveloped, those rootless shards of verse, sketches-in-progress. The interlude of consciousness, so to half-speak. Simplicity. Brevity. Here the fleeting or still-born ideas may retreat. (Mid-sneeze!) Submit your bits of dialogue, micro fiction, run-on sentences that cling to suspense or nonsense, and fragments of poetry. You get it. Postcard riddles. Broken refrains that end far too…
Comic Book Club
Email: N/A
Mission: We want to create the comics club in order to have an environment for students to share comics that they both create and read. Here students will also be able to aid others in their journey by editing each other’s work. Readers of all genre are welcome, from indie to mainstream, to share what they love with others.
Creative Arts Thinking Space (C.A.T.S)
Email: N/A
Mission: The Creative Arts Thinking Space is a student-run arts collectibe focused on exposing, engaging, and encouraging the artistic community on the Sarah Lawrence campus. Our primary goals are to facilitate discussion about student work and promote cross-disciplinary collaboration that will initiate the development of a self-sustaining community. Through monthly student-curated shows, themed collaborative events, installations around campus and collaborations with other campus organizations, we establish a means of bringing student work to all students. The monthly shows will be led by a rotating group of student curators who choose a theme and organize the show with the help of a C.A.T.S administrative staff. We also host student-led critiques that enable a critical discussion of student work outside of classes, exposing students to new mediums and new perspectives. Through talks from practicing artists, workshops, and field trips to museums, galleries, and other arts institutions we can connect our community of Sarah Lawrence artist to the larger art world in New York City.
Dance Collective
Mission: We want to create a dance collective that gives students an outlet to get together and work on various forms of dance together. The group will be hip hop based but will be open to students and choreography from all types of dance. The group will meet to train and choreograph together.
SLC Dance Team
Email: N/A
Mission: Our mission is solely to promote dance here at SLC and bring school spirit. We are here to dance the night away using all genres of dance and most importantly to have fun.
Dangers Of A Single Narrative
Email: N/A
Mission: We, Dangers of a Single Narrative Collective, are in solidarity with members of the Sarah Lawrence Community who are consistently working for a fuller realization of a safe community. This committee is comprised of students who are concerned about the lack of community engagement with the multiplicities of inequality, exclusion and lack of safe space to speak of race and sexual assault without dismissing and silencing others voices. This collective and the members of the Sarah Lawrence community who support our mission and demands seek to affect tangible and concrete change within the Sarah Lawrence College Community.
Dark Phrases
Mission: It is though we whisper to only ourselves when we speak. It is as though we bite out bottom lip with each pulse of our blood. We have long been unheard though we have never been silent. We have long existed in a world which refuses to hear us, but we refuse to forsake our own voices, our own survival. This is the language of unuttering darkness, the syntax of our own empowerment, the flesh and spirit enwombed and born in these phrases
Sarah Lawrence Speech & Debate Club
Mission: The SLC Speech & debate club is an organization that allows students to create and perform their own theatrical or informative pieces in a competitive environment. Students essentially cast themselves, becoming their own writers, directors, and producers. The team will travel to tournaments and compete with schools in the surrounding areas in events such as Prose, Poetry, Dramatic Interpretation, Persuasive Speaking, and Rhetorical Criticism.
SLC Democrats
Mission: The Sarah Lawrence College Democrats are devoted to Democratic values, The Democratic Party, its ideals, and to helping Democratic candidates across the country win elections. We encourage all students to register and vote, no matter their political affiliation. We encourage students to control their future by engaging in the political process. We aim to create an open space for all students to discuss their beliefs. As Democrats, we fight for those that don't have a voice of their own and we hope to shape a better future for all Americans.
SLC Development Collective
Mission: The Development Collective hosts the annual Undergraduate Development and Post Colonial Studies Conference that allows students from all over the country to present their original research. It is an organization that encourages critical discussions.
Disability Alliance
Mission: Disability Alliance is dedicated to advocating for accessibility and respect on campus for people with disabilities. We are working to raise awareness of disability issues and build a community of students with disabilities and allies.
Endangered Species Advocacy
Email: N/A
Mission: We are excited to promote Endangered Species Awareness throughout our campus. No weekly meetings just fun events every few months.
Mission: The Enviro Earth Club is the Sarah Lawrence College wing of an environmental and garden based education club for children and teens in downtown Yonkers. The club, which is run by Lucy Cassanova-Moreno and sponsored by the Greyston Foundation is based (weather permitting) in a community garden on Buena Vista Avenue. Enviro Earth members from SLC plan and teach lessons and facilitate programs relating to environmental science, and reading comprehension as well as forming strong positive personal relationships with younger people and actively engaging with a community of people.
Feminist Collective
Mission: The feminist collective is dedicated to discussion, education and activism. It is the goal of the co-chairs to create and maintain a safe space for feminists to explore the past, present and future of feminism in conjunction with our own experiences as feminists. We believe in a feminism that is diverse, intersectional and inclusive.
SLC Figure Drawing Club
Mission: The SLC Figure Drawing Club is a space and time dedicated to providing an informal space for artistic growth both for visual art and non-visual art students on campus. While students have access to a live model it is also an opportunity for student volunteers to have artistic modeling experience and as a part of our mission, we are dedicated to fostering the creative community and network at SLC.
Film Networking Cooperative
Mission: The purpose of the Film Networking Cooperative is to facilitate collaboration between students interested in Directing, Producing, Screenwriting, Animation, and Production (Editing, Light & Sound Design, and Camera Operation) and provide outlets for success. We seek to inform these filmmaking students and the broader community (Actors, Musicians, Dancers, Writers and other Visual Artists) about film projects that are being developed by Sarah Lawrence students and that need the assistance of students in on or more of these fields in order to be fully realized.
SLC Folk Club
Mission: The SLC Folk Club aims to support a community of folk music makers and lovers. We arrange the yearly Folk Festival in Slonim Living Room, pairing well-known musicians and groups from around the country with student and local musicians. We will do our best to increase the presence of a warm, loving, and awesome music community on the Sarah Lawrence campus, and also the presence of our famous baklava.
SLC Food Co-op
Email: N/A
Mission: We want to gather students to cook, eat, and discuss food issues together. We aim to provide more food from just and sustainable sources on campus. (We will elaborate this statement later in the year, with input from our members)
Global Activism Through the Arts
Mission: Global Activism Through the Arts is committed to creating awareness for the SLC community and public about different human rights issues around the world especially in New York through the arts (which includes all types of visual and performance art as well as creative writing), conversation, publications and events. Our mission is to help the SLC community and the public to see that they can help end these issues in New York and around the world through art and volunteering. We want to connect SLC students to Non-profit organizations and artists/activists in New York. This includes volunteering and bringing art to those affected by different social issues of poverty, health, education, human trafficking, environment, etc.
Mission: Harambee provides a safe space for Black students and their allies on the SLC campus to explore all different expressions of Blackness. There will be weekly discussion meetings in addition to an array of programming that examines various aspects of Black culture. While we encourage dialogue surrounding Black identities and race, discussions are not limited to such topics. We encourage members to bring ideas and themes to explore. Everyone is welcome!
Harts for Hope
Mission: Our mission is to promote biopsychosocial healing in a creative, interactive manner. We believe in healing rather than treating. The mind and body are two wonders that work together, and utilizing arts as a way to bridge them is our overall objective. We work with persons of all ages, ill and not ill, and persons of all cultures. We want to bring the whole picture of healing and promote it to the people we work with.
Health & Science for Kids’ Afterschool Program
Mission: This club connects Sarah Lawrence students with local elementary school students to discuss health topics and do simple science experiments. Our primary aim is to work with elementary school students in Yonkers to develop the skills necessary for peer education. More concretely, we want to give students the resources to educate their friends about health issues in their lives, as well as basic science topics.
Hillel @ SLC
Mission: The mission of Hillel@SLC is to support its Jewish population. Hillel@SLC welcomes everyone to explore Judaism throughout the year, while also providing opportunities to learn about Israel, Jewish Spirituality, Torah, and Social Justice.
Home Movies: The Sarah Lawrence Film Journal
Email: N/A
Mission: Film history cannot be said to end in the last century. More and more exciting, inspiring and independent works from the most vibrant and alive of art forms are coming out regularly, not just from America but from all over the world. With The Sarah Lawrence College Film Review, we aim to showcase film's past and present with all the excitement that comes with it. We hope to make a website and hopefully also physical journal full of great articles, interviews, reviews, artworks, film recommendations and all kinds of other film related miscellany from the Sarah Lawrence community. As well, we plan to host film screenings on campus and create a revitalized and active film community at Sarah Lawrence.
Iglesia Scholars: The Saturday Enrichment Program at Iglesia San Andres
Mission: The mission of the Iglesia Scholars program is to provide a weekly curriculum, designed by students, to provide avenues for program participants to develop relationships, discover creative outlets, and become lifelong learners. Our goal is to make learning fun, approachable and easy.
Sarah Lawrence for Immigration Advocacy
Mission: Our goal is to organize & advocate for the immigrant community as the opportunity for immigration reform grows near.
International Students Union (ISU)
Mission: The International Students Union is a student group that seeks to nurture cultural diversity and awareness on campus, complementing the Sarah Lawrence educational philosophy of "experiential learning." We endeavor to create a compact community where all members are able to exchange and appreciate international experiences and perspectives; as well as help solve issues concerning the international community on campus. Last, but most importantly we hope to make Sarah Lawrence your new home!
Italian Club
Mission: The Italian Club seeks to expose Sarah Lawrence students to the Italian language, culture and history, through film screenings, events and conversations with native Italian speakers. It aims to create a place for people that have studied or lace to study in Italy, people currently studying the language and anyone interested in learning about the culture in general.
Japanese Culture Club
Email: N/A
Mission: The mission is to immerse the students of SLC in Japanese cultural and enriching experiences. Attending Local events, scheduling field trips, creating informative newsletters, and inviting inspirational guest to campus are just some of the various things we wish to accomplish this year. We strive to build communal bridges of cultural understanding between our students and the people of japan.
Just Dance!
Email: N/A
Mission: Sarah Lawrence is a college with a wonderful dance program, and yet students outside of this program rarely experience movement. We walk by studios filled with sweaty moving bodies, but are rarely invited inside and more importantly do not consider entering. And yet, even the simplest movement holds the power to transform. People who move, who dance, feel better, discover different parts of themselves and connect with others in new and profound ways. Movement is a language unto itself, transcending spoken words while providing a means to expression and communication. Given these facts, we feel something radical is needed for our bodies and our campus. We want to bring accessible, joyous, judgement-free, movement to the entire Sarah Lawrence community. Our mission is to create an at-least-weekly movement hour that is open and accessible to anyone who is willing to risk finding movement in their body. We want dancers, first-time dancers and those might call themselves non-dancers when they first join. We want students, faculty and staff. Through a combination of dance, mindfulness and creative exercises we aim to create something enriching for this community and all its members. Won't you join us?
Kamikazes Anonymous
Mission: Kamikazes Anonymous exists to bring nerds from all corners of SLC together to bond over epic sword fights, ridiculous hair-styles and of course giant robots. Our mission is to make the campus of SLC aware of how awesome it is to be a card carrying geek and enjoy one another’s company while yelling at fictional Japanese people on the screen. We intend to rock hard.
Keeper Of The Bees
Email: N/A
Mission: Our mission is to raise awareness on campus of problems facing bee populations today such as colony collapse disorder, and the agricultural consequences we face therein, while caring for and maintain hives of our own here on campus. We also aim to advocate for more bee-friendly vegetation be introduced to the campus grounds.
Kung-Fu Klub
Email: N/A
Mission: We want to bring our love of kung fu films to the SLC community. We believe that it is every student's right to enjoy the best adrenaline-pumping, lightning-striking, fire-blazing kung fu on the big screen. For this exact reason, we will be hosting bi-monthly screenings of the legends.
Language Partnerships
Email: N/A
Mission: Language acquisition is a challenge—whether it is one's first language or seventh. Through a partnership with the SLC Operations and Facilities Office, volunteers teach English lessons to participating members of the Sarah Lawrence community.
Email: N/A
Mission: LARPers' Union's goal is to rekindle the spirit of childhood in a productive, team-building way that allows for stress release through fantasy reenactment.
Lend Me Your Years
Email: N/A
Mission: To give the Sarah Lawrence, Bronxville and surrounding communities exposure to a classical education, composed of Latin, Greek and Classical Literature.
Email: N/A
Mission: LUMINA's mission is simple: to provide a venue for both emerging and established writers and visual artists to tell goods stories and to feature great writing and great art. Every year, a new editorial staff sets the tone and direction for the annual publication. This practice allows the journal to stay continually alert to new developments in the field of writing and the arts, along with the freedom to go in any direction the tastes and curiosity of the staff suggest. LUMINA was established in 2000 in association with Sarah Lawrence College. It is run entirely by graduate student volunteers in the MFA Writing Program. We welcome unsolicited manuscripts in fiction, non-fiction, poetry and graphic narrative, as well as collaborative ventures with other areas of the arts--visual art, dance notation, sheet music, streams of choreography or audio--from emerging artists to appear in print or online alongside the work of established artists and writers. We have featured writers such as John Barr, Tao Lin, Jenny Boully, Kenneth Calhoun, Seth Fried, Cathy Park Hong, Rick Moody, Anne-E Wood, Dorothy Allison, David Sheilds, Susan Orlean, Natalie Angier, Verlyn Klinkenborg, Paula Fox, Suzanne Gardinier, and many others who have gone on to acclaim after first appearing in LUMINA.
Mission: Mabuhay is a student-run group formed to unite those of Filipino heritage and encourage cultural exploration through forms such as culinary arts and dance. The organization creates a foundation for relationships amongst those who share similar cultural roots yet have different experiences of the role that the Filipino culture has played in their lives.
Martial Arts Students Teaching Effective and Realistic Skills (MASTERS)
Email: N/A
Mission: Our goal as a club is to teach and discuss the values such as courage, humility, perseverance, and respect that are passionately practiced in various martial arts. As co-chairs, Mike and I teach American karate and judo but we welcome all martial arts. Through teaching various techniques, strength exercises, and conditioning exercises, we like to create a balance between fitness and the philosophies of martial arts. Expect to sweat and leave with a deeper understanding of martial arts and sore bodies.
The Melancholy Players
Mission: Established in 2006, The Melancholy Players is the longest running student produced, non-departmental theatre company on campus. We are a group of artists, producers, directors, performers, playwrights, technicians, and designers who hope to achieve a common goal of theatre dedicated to equality, community, and creativity. Our plays often highlight the poetics and lyricism of language, and are interested in the female experience. Our productions are both student written and published works, straight plays and musicals, classic and contemporary, all performed on campus in traditional and non-traditional theatre spaces. We adhere to a strict policy of inclusion and kindness.
Men’s Naked Shakespeare
Mission: To explore and perform Shakespeare’s text in its rawest form so as to open the door for new textual possibilities for the benefit and entertainment of the student body.
Midnight Cabaret
Mission: Midnight Cabaret fosters a lively dialogue between artists of all kinds through a high-energy, fast-paced process of production that happens every week. The group can change every single week and consists inclusively of visual artists, designers, musicians, actors, dancers, and writers who meet with the goal of collaborating to create a new show. The group meets throughout the week to discuss and workshop pieces for the upcoming show. Members can also work outside of these meetings either alone or together in order to finalize projects. The show itself is a series of pieces. Pieces can include any combination of performers, dependent only on the restraints of time and on the members of the cast. The group tries to explore different ways of thinking about the relationships between the various art forms, in order to challenge the very labels that separate them. Additionally, Midnight Cabaret takes on larger projects that embody in larger scopes the values it expresses in every weekly show.
Model United Nations
Mission: The objective of Model UN is to seek, through discussion, negotiation and debate, solutions to the various problems of the world: e.g. questions of human rights, protection of the environment, economic development, disarmament, the problems of youth and of refugees, as well as the more critical issues of war and peace. Delegates, in seeking solutions to these problems, can learn to break away from narrow, national self-interest and develop true international cooperation. The research and preparation required, the adoption of views and attitudes other than their own, the involvement and interaction with so many other students from around the world, all combine to provide a deep insight into the world's problems, to make students aware of the causes of conflict between nations and to lead them to a better understanding of the interests and motivations of others. Thus, MUN, through its conferences, attempts to fulfill the aims and goals set by founders of the United Nations in the Preamble to the Charter of the United Nations: "to practice tolerance and live together in peace with one another as good as neighbors."
Outdoor Club
Email: N/A
Mission: Providing the opportunity for students to engage in and interact with nature through the participation of various hosted outdoor activities
People Eating Tasty Animals (PETA)
Mission: We stand for your right to eat meat! Through the art of eating animals we seek to establish a strong foundation of enthusiastic carnivores within the SLC community. Our cookouts are free for all and we guarantee you leave a little more sated than when you came. Stay hungry friends.
The PHIL Project
Mission: The PHIL Project is philanthropy for students by students. Working with the SLC Student body, the PHIL project educates the college campus about giving back inspiring an excitement for students fund-raising while simultaneously providing valuable experiences and opportunities to learn about philanthropy at SLC
The Phoenix
Mission: The Phoenix is a student run newspaper that provides the students faculty and staff of SLC with up to date news, feature stories and editorials that are relevant to the SLC community.
Pre-Veterinary Collective
Mission: The Sarah Lawrence College Pre Veterinary Collective was designed to assist students considering applying to veterinary schools. We also aim to provide opportunities for interested students to gain experience working with animals. We assist students interested in applying to veterinary school to further understand the required coursework & recommend experience in order to have the absolute best chance at getting into their top choice graduate programs. We are open to students who are not necessarily pursuing pre-vet, yet would like to gain animal experience through volunteering.
Queer Voice Coalition (QVC)
Mission: The SLC Queer Voice Coalition seeks to provide a safe space for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning, Intersex, and Allied students, as well as to provide information and events to the wider student population surrounding LGBTQQIA issues.
Reading Buddies
Mission: Reading Buddies is an organization of student volunteers who are dedicated to creating a relationship between Sarah Lawrence College and the greater Yonkers community through tutoring kids between the ages of 5 and 10. We partner with the Iglesia Elementary School’s after school program, and volunteers are expected to pair up with one of the children to tutor throughout the semester. Reading Buddies not only offers a great opportunity to work on your communication skills while getting to know the surrounding community, but the children are thankful for the opportunity as well.
Rock Climbing Club
Email: N/A
Mission: The SLC Rock Climbing Club is dedicated to making sure that all Sarah Lawrence students have the opportunity to enjoy the beautiful sport of rock climbing. We provide thrice weekly transportation to and from the nearby "The Rock Club" climbing gym, and plan climbing trips in Upstate NYC.
Sarah Lawrence College Review
Mission: The Sarah Lawrence Review is the oldest running annual literary journal that provides an opportunity for writers and artists in the Sarah Lawrence College community to gain validation and exposure through publication in a high quality collection of works. We publish a wide range of literary and visual arts created by students, staff, faculty, and alumni. Our main objective is to showcase the exemplary talent of the Sarah Lawrence College writing community. We are entirely student run, and work hard throughout the year to solicit submissions for our magazine and to ultimately produce a tasteful and professional publication. Our staff, diverse in talent and committed to maintaining the standards of the Review, selects works in an unbiased and open-minded manner. We believe that the quality of the work in the Sarah Lawrence Review is comparable to any of the most widely circulated and respected literary magazines.
Sarah Lawrence Activities Council (SLAC)
Mission: SLAC is a student-run organization of volunteers who coordinate and plan a variety of weekly campus events including films, concerts, dances, and open mic nights. SLAC is comprised of two Co-Chairs, eight series, and general members. The Office of Student Activities serves as adviser to SLAC. Some SLAC events feature student performances, while other events feature outside musicians, speakers, or variety acts. The goal of SLAC is to host events that appeal to the interests of the student body. The SLAC members meet weekly to plan events and are always looking for feedback and new members.
Sarah Lawrence Quiz Association
Email: N/A
Mission: The Quiz Association seeks to hold a variety of intellectually stimulating general knowledge quiz competitions.
Scandal Revue
Mission: The Scandal Revue was founded to share our message of body positivity, sex positivity, and personal narrative through dance, striptease, song, comedy or whatever talents you've got. The troupe is part of the neo-burlesque movement that strives to bring burlesque dance and performance to the Sarah Lawrence community. We are open to all- come play with us!
Screen Writers Workshop
Mission: In order to write a well crafted screenplay, one must have access to a community of fellow screen writers who are willing to share their own work and offer constructive criticism to one another. This environment will be one that is welcoming and helpful rather than overly critical. Join if you are a screenwriter or simply have the drive.
Short and Sweet
Email: N/A
Mission: Short and Sweet is aimed at both theatre and non-theatre students. We intend to give theatre students the opportunity to showcase skills they perhaps aren't getting the chance to within the department (actors, lighting designers, set designers, sound designers, playwrights, puppeteers, directors, etc.) and also allow them to experiment with different aspects of theatrical experience- for instance, an actor who wants to try directing for the first time. We also intend to give students outside the theatre department, who do not have access to the proper venues, a chance to show work they intended for the stage.
Slam Poets; Reclaim Your Space
Mission: Slam Poets; Reclaim Your Space, Aims to give people a space to be more than spoken word and less than theater. Slam provides a safe space to memorize work, talk about issues in their work (Ex. Life, Classes, inside themselves) and have the ability to get up on various stages in the City to slam, to sing, to play an instrument and to do it with a group of interested, poets in training, veterans or newbies.
SLC ++
Email: N/A
Mission: SLC++ is Sarah Lawrence’s official computer science club. We will be hosting weekly programming sessions and occasional hackathons. Our goal is to build community within a traditionally underrepresented academic department at Sarah Lawrence by fostering a collaborative work environment. All computer science students, interactive media artists, and mathematicians with an interest in computation are encouraged to join and participate.
Songwriters Collective
Mission: In a city where competition between aspiring musicians is fueled by the cut-throat industry, we are forming a positive community of creation that inspires, encourages, and supports its members. Through workshops and showcases we will provide an environment where music is not only made, but also heard. The Songwriters Collective at Sarah Lawrence College bring together students who have any interest in creating music; whether you can sing, play an instrument or jot lyrics on the backs of napkins at coffee shops, may this group be a place where we can collaborate and simply jam like we've never jammed before!
SLC Speaks
Mission: SLC Speaks is a web-based, student run publication that brings together the voices of an individualized campus. We reach out to every social group and student with interesting, thoughtful content and creative presentation see our platform at
SLC Speech & Debate
Email: N/A
Mission: Love acting? Hate type-casting?
Create your own one-man performance using text from published literature, poetry, drama, and film. Compete at tournaments along the east coast. Hone your acting like never before — and play any (and every) character you’d like. No costumes. No set. Just you and your performance.
Spoken Word Collective
Mission: The Sarah Lawrence Spoken Word Collective exists in order to introduce the Sarah Lawrence community to outstanding voices from the contemporary spoken word and slam poetry movement and to further the dialogue between academic and slam poetry. We host weekly poetry open mics, each followed by a 30-40 minute performance by a new featured slam poet or spoken word artist from around the country. Students are welcome to read/perform either their own or someone's else poetry, and are also welcome to participate simply through listening. It is our goal for Spoken Word Collective to be a safe space for any and all students who would like to attend, and we ask all participants to please be aware of and attentive to the implications of their own work and presence in the space.
SLC Stitch ‘n Bitch
Mission: Stitch & Bitch aims to provide a welcoming and cathartic community where students can work on crafting projects (specifically knitting, but we welcome anyone making anything) and vent the pent up frustrations of SLC life to a (more or less) sympathetic audience.
Students against Sexual Violence
Email: N/A
Mission: Students Against Sexual Violence is a group committed to eradicating sexual violence on the Sarah Lawrence campus and in the world at large. We seek to raise awareness about sexual violence and to provide education on surrounding issues. We also aim to make campus a safer space for victims of sexual violence.
Students as Citizen Scientists
Mission: Citizen Science or crowd-sourced science refers to the practice of opening research to the public and enabling the general population to make meaningful contributions to our understanding of the world around us. These projects range from simple, such observing the water quality of rivers, to complex, such as building a functional solar panel testing module out of LEGO parts and an inkjet printer. Students as Citizen Scientists will bring both of these projects and more to the Sarah Lawrence campus. We will also coordinate with other Sarah Lawrence groups to involve more students in projects relating to those groups goals.
Student Microfinance Chapter
Email: N/A
Mission: Our mission is to empower student leaders to build strong ties with their surrounding communities by helping disadvantaged individuals start and grow businesses, develop assets etc. through microfinance.
Swing Dance Club
Email: TBD
Mission: Some students know how to swing dance, some don't. Our club provides a venue for students of all skill levels to swing dance and to meet people who share their enthusiasm for the craft.
Table Salt
Mission: Table Salt is a student made, student run campus zine devoted to compiling the creative works, findings, musings and inspirations of Sarah Lawrence students (and occasionally others). Mostly black and white and assembled with some scissors, tape, and glue, the zine aims to access the sort of things people tend to keep tucked away in notebooks or floating around in their heads. Unfinished projects, odds and ends, scraps and scribbles--we'll pretty much take anything.
The Annual (Yearbook)
Mission: The SLC Annual desires to compile a book of memories for students to take with them and keep long after their time here is done. Our vision is to capture the daily life of the community and all of the beautiful scenery in which these events take place. We aim to have every aspect of the student life noted and preserved.
Terse Tales
Mission: Terse Tales is a literary club dedicated to out-loud readings of classic short stories. Each meeting is devoted to a single writer. Writers under consideration for future meetings include, but are not limited to, Aesop, Anderson, Irving, Poe, Hawthorne, Melville, Twain, James, Wharton, Fitzgerald, O’Conner, Bradbury, Dickens, Proust, Kafka, Joyce, Mann, Lawrence, Mansfield, Tolstoy, Gogol, Chekov, Dostoyevsky, Nabokov, and de Maupassant.
Trans Action
Mission: Trans*Action is a Sarah Lawrence College club that focuses on creating a trans* activist space on campus. This club is intended for trans* and gender varient folks on campus but all are welcome.
Trans Space
Mission: Trans* Space serves as a support group for transgender, genderqueer, and other gender-non-conforming people and their allies. Our primary goal is to provide a "safe" space for trans* people to share their experiences around their gender identity as well as how that identity intersects with other identities. In addition, non-trans* or genderqueer (cis) people are encouraged to attend and discuss their experiences with gender and experiences with the trans* community.
Transfer Connection
Mission: The mission of The Transfer Connection is to bring a greater level of engagement between all who have transferred into SLC Transfer Connection Club will provide transferred into SLC. We’ll provide support, transfer specific events and guest appearances from important people on campus that will aid in acclimation. Furthermore, transfer friendly allies are more than welcome to attend if they want.
Treble in Paradise
Mission: Treble in Paradise is SLC's only female a Capella group. The group seeks to provide members with not only the opportunity to perform and arrange music, but also to be a part of a diverse community of talented musicians.
Mission: UNIDAD is a safe space for the Latino/a community at Sarah Lawrence and its allies to dialogue about identity and empower our communities through knowledge and support. We are a resource of unity, support, and solidarity to any students wanting to discuss issues relevant to the racialization and marginalization of our community on campus as well as in the United States more broadly. We strive to promote awareness and an ever deeper understanding of the language, images, and policies that impact and define us as a people. We celebrate the diversity of Latinas/os and our own intersecting identities, while remaining critical of the construction of race, class, ethnicity, language, sexuality, gender, orientation, and self-image within our own identities and the communities to which we belong.
Mission: UUreka! seeks to create a space for students to explore an open spirituality based in the principles of Unitarian Universalism, through the weekly practice of self-reflection and community building exercises.
SLC Vanguard
Mission: Since 2008 Vanguard has been a forum for the collection, curation and publication of conference work by the Sarah Lawrence community. We believe that it is the independent interdisciplinary endeavors of students at Sarah Lawrence which distinguishes this prestigious college from other academic institutions. As it’s VANGUARD, our mission is as follows: to push these endeavours farther still. Through creative processes of collaboration, debate,discourse and discord,we aim to explore and exceed the bounds of all that is, and all that has been called, conference work.
Visual Art Review
Mission: The SLC Visual Art Review is a student-run annual publication showcasing the creative work and community of Sarah Lawrence. We welcome multiple submissions from any student, regardless of enrollment in a visual arts class. We also welcome new media art, video art, or other work that might not translate to print. Work is submitted under a blind submissions policy and accepted after viewing and discussion with a select group of students.
SLC VOX: Voices for Planned Parenthood
Mission: The SLC VOX (Voices for Planned Parenthood) Chapter is a Planned Parenthood affiliate that aims to educate and mobilize students and youth in support of reproductive health. The SLC VOX group works with the Hudson Peconic Planned Parenthood to educate the SLC community about sexual health and reproductive rights. VOX members lobby for local legislators and coordinate events that provide sexual health education and address governmental policies that affect access to sexual healthcare. The VOX chapter at SLC provides an abundance of volunteer and advocacy opportunities for those interested--ranging from canvassing, to voter registration, to community outreach, to petitioning. Members will receive volunteer hours for meetings as well as other VOX events they attend. VOX at SLC is an excellent way to keep yourself informed; get involved in a community interested in healthcare and sexual education; and affect change throughout campus, the local community, and nation-wide.
Women of Color Affinity Group (WoCo)
Mission: WoCo is an organization for women of color and their allies. We seek to celebrate and challenge preconceived notions of one’s identity as well as to collectively raise awareness of one’s own privilege. Our mission is to encourage long lasting relationships between the members of our group and our Sarah Lawrence community, while also providing a safe space for members. Everyone is welcome!
Worker’s Appreciation Dinner Club
Mission: The Worker’s Appreciation Dinner is an annual even coordinated by students to celebrate the hard work and importance of the many workers on this campus. In the past years we have given out invitations to the following departments: AVI, Maintenance, Security, ABM, Bookstore, Post Office and Duplication. Each department is vital is making sure this campus functions properly. We cater the event to the workers and their families and friends, making sure that they have as enjoyable a time as possible. Previously, this event was sponsored by UNIDAD, Harambee, and other Common Ground organizations. However, this year we are truly trying to outreach to the greater SLC community, while still maintaining ties to Common Ground to encourage a greater participation in planning and Putting on This event. Ultimately we want to demonstrate our immense gratitude to the workers and their families by strengthening the bond between students and workers.
SLC Workers Justice
Mission: Sarah Lawrence Worker Justice is a student based organization which strives to protect the rights and dignity of working people on campus. We recognize the impact of every working person’s labor at Sarah Lawrence College. As such an important part of our school community, SLCWJ believes that all workers are entitled to a safe and respectable environment to work in. Open to all students who wish to contribute, the group works to achieve these goals by engaging the school community, creating solidarity through dialogue, maintaining and defending the commons, and non violent direct action.
SLC Writers Block
Mission: Writer's Block aims to build a stronger writing community on campus by providing peer-to-peer help with academic writing and open writing hours for those who need some time and space to work on their writing outside of class. In peer-to-peer tutoring, students can bring in their academic writing (conference projects, plays, poems, PowerPoints, etc) and receive feedback. Our peer consultants will be students who understand how to discuss and collaborate with their fellow writers and create a comfortable environment to discuss the writer’s work. Peer consultants understand the SLC workload, the writing atmosphere on campus, and of course the special burden of a conference paper. If you've ever had writer's block, needed someone to bounce ideas off of, or just needed someone to look over your paper and tell you it makes sense, this would be the thing for you! Writer's Block also aims to create a more tangible writing community by hosting open writing hours. These will be part group writing games and prompts to get ideas going, and part quiet writing time for those who just need a place to sit and work. Our open writing sessions will be held during evenings, at times that are convenient for undergrads, and are welcome to writers of any genre.