The Sarah Lawrence Pinterest Boards of Sarah Lawrence Students

Elise Hendricks ‘28

Photo by Elise Hendricks

Pinterest is a social media and visual curation platform that provides users with image-based inspiration for multiple things including “recipes, home, and style,” according to its website. Several Sarah Lawrence students have used the platform as a tool to visualize their ideal college experiences, curating images that describe idealized versions of different aspects of studying and residential life.

What do the Pinterest boards of Sarah Lawrence College students look like? Most importantly, what do Sarah Lawrence inspired pinboards of Sarah Lawrence students look like?

Three first-year students shared with The Phoenix  how their expectations of Sarah Lawrence compared to the Pinterest boards they created. 

Sylvie Neve ‘28, @sqrrlgrll

Sylvie Neve ‘28, comes from Oregon and studies psychology and child development, planning to become a therapist for adolescents in institutional settings.  

Neve’s Pinterest board includes a lot of inspirational quotes, such as the pins included above, to encompass an aura similar to aesthetically pleasing Pinterest boards about college in general. This board did an exemplary job of capturing that “growing up” aspect of college and welcoming the change that comes with it.  The first image on the left is one that Sylvie saved because it reminded her of the transition of moving onto bigger and better things. “I wanted to see more of the world than I have seen before,” Neve said. “[Sarah Lawrence] has somewhat given me the fix of going out on my own, but it’s also so small and honestly similar to my high school, so even on the other side of the country I still feel a bit at home.”

Moving over to the drawn-on map, Neve explains the background of her family, the importance of her education and her reasoning behind this pin. “I am the first person to hopefully graduate college on my dad’s side and that’s something I care deeply about,” says Neve. “Because of my past life experiences, I have ended up knowing exactly what I want to do with my life and moving far away, as shown in the map, is the only way I’d be able to thrive and complete those goals to the highest extent possible.”

The final image in this selection was one that was particularly striking. A single, bright yellow audio cassette with the words, “‘Where you movin’?’ I said, ‘Onto better things.’” Neve said this image reminds her of her hometown: Eugene, OR. “My family is so, so deeply ingrained in the culture of my city. To give you some context, my grandma helped start the only synagogue in my town,” Neve notes. “I love Eugene and it’ll always be my home, but I needed to see something new. I ended up feeling stuck in a box at home and what better place to branch out than New York? Even though I love my hometown and I love Oregon, it was time for me to see something different.”

Gwendolyn Rocklein ‘28, @fugglewuggle

Gwedolyn Rocklein ‘28 plans on pursuing law with a background in writing. “I was born in Germany, I’m obsessed with the city, and one day I’m going to be very famous,” Rocklein said.

Rocklein’s Pinterest board looks into the dorm aspect of Pinterest as well as Sarah Lawrence. In discussing the images, Rocklein expresses her love of vintage, “grandma-looking” interior design. “I really enjoy the “grandma's bedroom” vibe and I thought the quilt was beautiful,” she explained.

Regarding the middle image, it’s not entirely about cats believe it or not, but about how having a good persian rug is significant to her. “I saved it because I grew up in a house with only persian rugs, so I knew I wanted my dorm to have an element of home," Rocklein says.

To end,  a display of beautiful mugs atop each other in a wooden cabinet. From the love of the mugs in Bates to the perfect cup of coffee at the Bronxville Diner. “I love collecting odd mugs ,” she said. “I wanted to collect some mugs as my college year progresses, so saving [the pin] was like a reminder to complete that hobby. I have collected a total of one mug in my first month of being here.”

Yliane Cabrera Cano ‘28, @ylianesw

Yliane Cabrera Cano ‘28 studies politics, linguistics, and music. She comes to Sarah Lawrence from Paraguay, though she has lived in Spain and Thailand as well. Yliane had never been to the United States before moving to New York for college.

“Ever since I watched “10 Things I Hate About You,” I couldn't help but imagine myself as Kat Stratford getting accepted into SLC,” Cabrera Cano said. Although Sarah Lawrence is far away from Cabrera Cano, that certainly did not stop her dreams of attending Sarah Lawrence. Referring to the movie, she quotes, “‘Isn’t Sarah Lawrence on the other side of the country?’ Yes! In fact, on the other side of the world for me.” Cabrera Cano expresses her gratitude toward her family and their support of her in going to Sarah Lawrence. “I was very lucky to have a very understanding family who actually supported me in moving abroad once again and attending the college of my choice.”

In regard to the middle image, Cabrera Cano clarifies why Sarah Lawrence was the right school for her. “Coming from a Latino background, I have seen that women are often overlooked when it comes to pursuing higher education, especially in Paraguay. SLC still strikes me as a place to strengthen women’s potential,” she explains. Cabrera Cano is glad to be ata school that supports her dreams of higher education.She said, “This place does not only welcome me, but encourages me to strive for my ambitions.” 

Lastly, Cabrera Cano includes a picture of the famous Sarah Lawrence Teahaus. Although Cabrera Cano has not experienced the Teahaus yet, she expresses her excitement regarding it. “Sadly, the Teahaus hasn’t been opened yet, so I can’t comment on their drinks, although I bet they’re amazing and I will definitely try as long as they have lactose intolerant friendly coffee,”  she said“However, all I can say is that so far it seems like a nice place for people to hang around. The North Lawn is always full of  life, and part of the reason why might be because of the Teahaus!” The excitement for Teahaus to open for the 2024-2025 school year is evident as it is a big part of Sarah Lawrence history.

Thank you to all of the new Sarah Lawrence students who volunteered to be part of this project. Have an amazing first year!